Nuevo trailer de la película original de Hulu, “Boss Level”, con Frank Grillo y Joe Carnahan de WarParty Film, se estrena el viernes 5 de marzo en Hulu.
Atrapado en un bucle temporal que repite constantemente el día de su asesinato, el ex agente de las fuerzas especiales Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) descubre pistas sobre un proyecto secreto del gobierno que podría desvelar el misterio que hay detrás de su prematura muerte. En una carrera contrarreloj, Pulver debe dar caza al Coronel Ventor (Mel Gibson), el poderoso jefe del programa gubernamental, mientras deja atrás a unos despiadados asesinos expertos decididos a alejarle de la verdad para poder salir del bucle, salvar a su ex mujer (Naomi Watts) y volver a vivir el mañana.
Dirigida por Joe Carnahan. Escrita por Chris Borey & Eddie Borey y Joe Carnahan. Producida por Joe Carnahan, Frank Grillo, Randall Emmett y George Furla. La película está protagonizada por Frank Grillo, Mel Gibson, Naomi Watts, Annabelle Wallis, Ken Jeong, Will Sasso, Selina Lo, Meadow Williams y Michelle Yeoh. El campeón de la Super Bowl, Rob Gronkowski, y los pesos pesados de la MMA, Rashad Evans y Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, aparecen como invitados.
Boss Level — Trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder, former special forces agent Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) uncovers clues about a secret government project that could unlock the mystery behind his untimely death. In a race against the clock, Pulver must hunt down Colonel Ventor (Mel Gibson), the powerful head of the government program, while outrunning skilled ruthless assassins determined to keep him from the truth in order to break out of the loop, save his ex-wife (Naomi Watts) and live once again for tomorrow. Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo), shown. (Photo by: Quantrell D. Colbert/Hulu)
Boss Level — Trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder, former special forces agent Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) uncovers clues about a secret government project that could unlock the mystery behind his untimely death. In a race against the clock, Pulver must hunt down Colonel Ventor (Mel Gibson), the powerful head of the government program, while outrunning skilled ruthless assassins determined to keep him from the truth in order to break out of the loop, save his ex-wife (Naomi Watts) and live once again for tomorrow. Jemma Wells (Naomi Watts), shown. (Photo by: Quantrell D. Colbert/Hulu)
Boss Level — Trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder, former special forces agent Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) uncovers clues about a secret government project that could unlock the mystery behind his untimely death. In a race against the clock, Pulver must hunt down Colonel Ventor (Mel Gibson), the powerful head of the government program, while outrunning skilled ruthless assassins determined to keep him from the truth in order to break out of the loop, save his ex-wife (Naomi Watts) and live once again for tomorrow. Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo), shown. (Photo by: Quantrell D. Colbert/Hulu)
Boss Level — Trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder, former special forces agent Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) uncovers clues about a secret government project that could unlock the mystery behind his untimely death. In a race against the clock, Pulver must hunt down Colonel Ventor (Mel Gibson), the powerful head of the government program, while outrunning skilled ruthless assassins determined to keep him from the truth in order to break out of the loop, save his ex-wife (Naomi Watts) and live once again for tomorrow. Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) and Colonel Ventor (Mel Gibson), shown. (Photo by: Quantrell D. Colbert/Hulu)