
First Look At Guillermo Del Toro’s & Netflix’s “Cabinet of Curiosities”. #Netflix #GeekedWeek @NetflixGeeked

First Look At Guillermo Del Toro’s & Netflix’s “Cabinet of Curiosities”. #Netflix #GeekedWeek @NetflixGeeked

Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities: The Oscar-winning director gives fans an inside look at his scary and sinister new eight-part anthology series that attempts to challenge our notions of horror. (Don’t say we didn’t warn you.)

Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities: El oscarizado director ofrece a los fans un vistazo a su nueva serie antológica de ocho partes, aterradora y siniestra, que intenta desafiar nuestras nociones de terror. (No digas que no te hemos avisado).

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